Here is the time and place
where you will discover
the adventure of your life.
Fight for the survival of humanity
in the fantastic world of The Skyland.
Will you hand over the continent to the elves?

Jose Gaspar
"Dreams are not for everyone."

"You are beautiful, but we won't kiss"

"Aaah! What English shit is this!"

"Let it burn, at least there will be a free drug high!"

"C-Captain Sla-a-ade, they will riot."

"Bezczelny pizdojad, bez choćby cienia przyzwoitości!"

"Women treat jewelry differently, believe me, I am one of them myself."
Characters you’ll
either love or hate.
There is nothing in between.
“Be afraid of people!” Your father kept telling you.
He knew that in a world full of secrets
and dangers, only fear of the unknown
could save you from a terrifying fate.
You will owe your journey to two women:
one you will lose, and the other
will become an inspiration for you
to continue fighting for your life.
Become part of this world.
Use our tool, thanks to which
you can write your name
in the big book inside the game.
Take into account your character’s
race, gender and origins,
and then magically become
part of the world of Skyland.
We dropped everything
to create a game in which
the hero was reborn
in another world.
Success in gamedev can only
be achieved when we understand
the needs of players, which is why
we at MFA Games are so close
to you that we allow you
to create the game with us.
Moreover, there has never been
a concept in which we could play
the role of a pirate and test our skills
in a new fantasy world full of Slavic
monsters and magical races.
We are confident that we know
what the player wants and we
will deliver it to you.
Join us if you feel
we are on the same
Do you have skills, experience, contacts,
or maybe other quality useful in
the production or promotion of
The Skyland Chronicles? Do not hesitate.
Contact us and let’s talk!
interesting fact
Our studio’s located a few
steps from the 14th century
medieval castle in Będzin
The latest news, events and stories
delivered straight to your inbox.
Support us along
the way to fight
an epic battle.
The fate of humanity hangs
in the balance as the last bastions
of resistance and rebellious forces
join in an epic battle against
a powerful enemy.
Failure is not an option. It’s time to unite
and show the world we are made of!
My name is Franco
and I will become
the strongest man
to ever sail the oceans!
I guarantee that you will experience
the adventure of a lifetime with me!
We will risk everything to save
the woman we love.
I will take you on a journey
where you will be faced with difficult
choices, where both options may seem
equally bad, and the world we discover
may not be worth saving at all.
Chosen recensions

A few words from the author of
The Skyland Chronicles
and founder of MFA Games.